Hey everyone, so I’ve not updated my blog in a long time, so here’s a self-expressive article about how I went about things that had happened in my life and how I met a person who was able to understand and to relate to the things I’ve gone through. I’m quite sure that most of us, if not all of us, have gone through that phase of life where we think that we would never find the right person to be with, a few possible reasons could be previous relationships that have gone sour, or staying single to save yourself for the right one. For the longest of time I thought of everything that everyone had thought off, meaning to say that i might not meet that perfect one. The truth is, there isn’t a perfect one, but sometimes, you just meet people in life and there will be ones that help you grow to prepare you for a person who would have gone through the same and there will be this certain click that i can’t describe when such occurs. “When it comes, it comes”. 

        If you have been following the earliest of my self-expressive articles posted on my blog, you would know that it has taken me 3 years to recover from a break-up (it’s not very long but it is quite a long period for me). I’m not saying this to show that I’m wallowing in my own self-pity, because after that incident, as immature as this sounds, i gave up on pursuing a relationship. Sure, there were crushes/ex-crushes in between the gap, but i never really tried to go after them or anything knowing that the fall would be hard if it doesn’t work out. 

         So I’ll now narrate what had happened. It was the year 2016 when i decided that i should do my best to excel in my studies in the law and to get into a legal firm that I’ve always wanted to apply for. It was around the end of 2018 when I participated in my last mooting competition. Our university emerged as the champions for that competition and we were called by the founder of the legal firm, that of which I wanted to apply to, to have tea with him. I could say that my prayers were heard because I would have never thought that I would have the opportunity to go to that firm to see how things are over there. When i was there, I met a person whom I least expected to be with. 

         Here’s what happened in my perspective. “As walked up the stairs, I felt nervous and excited at the same time. The pupils of the legal firm came to greet us, and I found comfort in one particular person when I saw her. We were then invited and led to the room where the tea was prepared and she was there standing in front of me, and in her hand, a bottle that resembles one that is used to store liquor in it. She greeted me with a handshake while holding such in one hand, and I greeted her in return. Conversations took place and her smile was as bright as the day, although i would soon come to find out that she had a long day. The other friends were teasing her about how they thought her bottle contained alcohol, but it was cold brew instead. Her reaction to it was the most amazing thing I’ve seen that day.” 

        The thing was, I was actually interested in getting to know her more, however, I couldn’t find her on social media as we only exchanged our first names. The way I found her was so funny and one that I will always remember and smile about whenever I think about it. I found her on Linkedin, of all places, and with that we got together as we got to know each other better. Cutting to the chase, It just happened on its own and it happened when I had least expected it and we got together and prayed about it as well. Everything just felt right with her and i felt really comfortable sharing what i've gone through. Therefore, I think we wouldn’t know when it happens or when we will be able to get into a relationship with our significant other before or even after meeting them. When we look back at things that happen, we will start to realize that things naturally progress and we would come to be thankful that everything that happened. However, I do know that it isn’t the same for everyone and I may be speaking on my own behalf and experience, but I want you guys to know that we shouldn’t lose hope and to persevere in everything that we do. Keep up the good work everyone!  


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