As we ride along the waves of life, change comes in a variety of forms. It may take years to develop or it can happen in an instant. Change is undoubtedly inevitable, and following from such would be the question of how that change would affect our progression in furthering a change in ourselves or the way we do things for better or worse. Change is achieved by trial and error throughout history bringing us to where we are now. Therefore, I believe that the trial and errors performed now will be improvised and refined to further serve the generations to come in observing the change that has brought us and them thus far.

      It is of human nature that we want change or want to change so badly there are times we do not wish to be the change we want to see or to even change to avoid the change. In some instances, when we do experience the change occurring, we then back away from it because it changes what we hold all this time. No matter the consequences, we change, and so does the environment in one way or another to adjust itself or to suit itself to the current times. To complain of what change will do is critical but not all wrong if I may say. I would like to emphasize this concept through this phrase, all that is true will remain to be true, and change itself diverges into a multitude of paths we can take or otherwise. Change, as I have mentioned earlier, can be bad and good, and being able to identify such is crucial to mankind.  

     In this period of time where a virus is changing the very way humans conduct themselves, I can’t help but to be weary, reluctant and anxious about the change humanity is going through. Nonetheless, it is human progression in its own right in adapting and advancing regardless of the circumstances. Overcoming change is not easy, but what is easy is to let the change overcome us if we do not do something about it.

     Encountering something alien to us may also be a form of change, one that is truly challenging and frightful in its own right, as H.P Lovecraft said “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”.

     When change comes to mind, I am reminded that there is a cause and effect to everything. The reasoning behind a series of events that converts the nature of a person to be somewhat different from who he/she was and how he/she had conducted himself previously is truly a force to be reckoned with.

    Strangely, I decided to write this under the impression I got from myself, prompting me to structure the concept of change from my perspective. I was able to observe that from the way I carried myself compared to who I was previously in viewing my social media. When I first started out with social media, I remember that I was obsessed in wording my thoughts every hour or so and posting it on social media without fail. Sometimes philosophical, sometimes rants with a pinch of salt or quotes that I find fascinating with some pictures once in a while.

    I stopped posting on social media at one point and started to endlessly scroll through various social media platforms on a daily basis.  I could say that every post I see would have either pictures or some form of attachment, which in some way portrays that pictures speak louder than words in this age. I think this is one of the many changes that is quite obvious in the virtual plane. That being one example of change, the thing about it is that it may affect us in the negative or positive. I also started to wonder as to whether I should share my thoughts or my personal life to people. The necessity in doing such began to decline when I realized that my life is my own and that this “change” would be for the best. I did not know whether I truly enjoyed doing it or I'm just conforming to the standards of socializing in order to progress from where I am. Without a doubt, forging bonds between accomplices and friends are important, but to what point do we draw the line, how much should we share and is there a need to share? It was then I realized, maybe I have changed and this concept meant very little to me now. 

   To conclude, I believe resisting or to avoid change is like preventing the rain from falling into the ocean. That being said, being weary of how we change and what we change for will determine the very way we carry ourselves. We can, in a way, use that to our advantage in growing accustomed to the change that benefits us and to move onward to a better form of ourselves. 


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