As we ride along the waves of life, change comes in a variety of forms. It may take years to develop or it can happen in an instant. Change is undoubtedly inevitable, and following from such would be the question of how that change would affect our progression in furthering a change in ourselves or the way we do things for better or worse. Change is achieved by trial and error throughout history bringing us to where we are now. Therefore, I believe that the trial and errors performed now will be improvised and refi ned to further serve the generations to come in observing the change that has brought us and them thus far. It is of human nature that we want change or want to change so badly there are times we do not wish to be the change we want to see or to even change to avoid the change. In some instances, when we do experience the change occurring, we then back away from it because it changes what we hold all this time. No matter ...