Let’s be honest, the word responsibilities itself sounds like a burden to many of us. I was recently pondering about this as I came across many incidents that occurred due to irresponsibility. Throughout my entire life, I was taught and brought up in a way that responsibility is prioritized over everything else, that it holds so much weight and battering consequences follow if we do not fulfill those responsibilities. It goes beyond love, emotions of any sort and so on. I might start to sound like a robot but think it this way, whatever that we do in life, we are accountable for our actions, be it in a position that we take up, or participating in important things that would affect us in a way that we can’t ever imagine. Most notable responsibilities are the ones where we have to get something done before a dateline, be it work or studies. Other responsibilities would include family related ones and so on.

      When I was at a young age, I was inspired by the “Spiderman” movie trilogy acted by Tobey Maguire, where the infamous words of Uncle Ben would play over and over in my head. “With great power, comes great responsibility”. As a kid, superhero movies were my thing, I’d take them super seriously, and as I grew, I started to learn the meaning of those words in a not so superhero sense. My father, a man whom I respect and always admire, always reminds me that as a guy, we hold important responsibilities and that once we have those responsibilities at hand, we should see it through till the end, a principle that I’ve been holding on as far as I’ve reached in my life. My grandfather was also a man whom I looked up to and he had gone through a lot of instances where he had not given up on what he was supposed to do and so did my father and it really inspired me as a person. In my undertakings, I’ve held quite a number of positions that required my utmost attention and of course responsibility. 

      The naivety that I had back when I was learning often caused me to drown myself in a certain thing. Being responsible to whatever we hold is learning how to fulfill a certain task, teaching us to be more accountable for our actions and how it would affect others if we do not meet those expectations. There is a need for trust when we participate in something that requires the combine efforts of each participant. Although it’s good to take up responsibility, sometimes it would be unwise to take the responsibility of a person who did something wrong which you did not do and to take the blame for his actions. 

       Depending on how outgoing you are, there are responsibilities that might be vested upon you because you might have given a good impression. Some take it as a burden, others as an obligation, or some might even be honored to take a position where all the responsibility lies on their shoulder. Such a position, however, would have its risk because it works like a double edged sword. If it is successfully carried out, others look highly upon you, if not; you might not be given such a position again. It’s a matter of reputation at times.  I’d like to infer this by saying that we hold responsibilities the moment were born, towards our family, the community, studies, life partners, and in everything that we do, it holds a meaning for us, deeper that the blood that runs within us.


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