Like I always say, “it’s always one thing
for another”. This concept of mine applies to most of the things that I observe
around me. You might be good in your studies but maybe not as much as you would
perform in sports, maybe you’re good in both but you’re not as talented in the
area of music. Either way, not everyone has the ability to do anything and
everything even if they desire to do so. Some might even break their limits and
to focus on a certain thing. However if your affinity for something increases,
the affinity for another will definitely decrease. In any case you might even
find hidden talents or skills that you have yet to unlock or discover. That’s
the beauty of being you. The only person who doesn’t know you completely is
We’re all born with talents that we’ve
yet to uncover. As the title suggests putting a balance in talent is a talent
which is really important to me. At one point of my life, my priorities were on
the edge of a thin thread because i tried really hard to find a balance in
everything. It didn’t really work out for me and I ended up destroying a
precious bond between someone whom meant a lot to me. If you ever have this
talent, use it. Put it to good use. I wasn’t cut out for it and some people can
only focus on one thing at a time. Proper management of everything usually
turns out smoothly, unless you’re dealing with difficult people. Then again,
who isn’t difficult to handle?
For me, when I practice my vocals more
often, I sometimes lack in skill when I start playing the drums after some
time. It works the other way as well when I practice the drums more. Boosting
your physical side might affect your mental side. Too much of something is
never good, but not everybody is good in maintaining a moderate level in
everything. Everyone has their short comings but as the saying goes “practice
makes perfect”. Even so, nobody is ever truly a jack of all trades and master
of none, not that I know of at least.
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