Hey everyone, so I’ve not updated my blog in a long time, so here’s a self-expressive article about how I went about things that had happened in my life and how I met a person who was able to understand and to relate to the things I’ve gone through. I’m quite sure that most of us, if not all of us, have gone through that phase of life where we think that we would never find the right person to be with, a few possible reasons could be previous relationships that have gone sour, or staying single to save yourself for the right one. For the longest of time I thought of everything that everyone had thought off, meaning to say that i might not meet that perfect one. The truth is, there isn’t a perfect one, but sometimes, you just meet people in life and there will be ones that help you grow to prepare you for a person who would have gone through the same and there will be this certain click that i can’t describe when such occurs. “When it comes, it comes...