There was a man, he thought of this world as a beautiful place, a never ending story that unfolds as he unravels the empty scroll of his life that is to be written by him and those whom he passes it to. Alas, never was he so wrong in many ways, that the manifold things that took place when he walked the path that he chose to walk as his own and not because he was born and instructed to do so from whence he came from, took its toll on him. More than anything else, he wanted to accept that some things are just not meant to be and that these things are the way they are for reasons he’ll never be able to comprehend. An excuse he tells himself, because he can never find the answer to them no matter how hard he tries. Every moment perishes as he cherishes it in a second, and some he’ll remember and forget as time flies and slips through his hands. Sadness over weighs the joy at times, and sometimes he finds it hard to fork out a smile even ...