Each one of us expresses our love differently towards others. Here are my thoughts on love, an essence that permeates through a human that makes me question myself as to why it exists. What does it mean for someone to fall in love? Is it a feeling? An expression? A choice? Or just mere infatuation? We have been seeing people define love in all sorts of manner. But how do we define love? Is it in a lustful manner? Or showed by just giving stuff or caring about others? A person once asked me about whether I would love a person or to be loved by a person. My thoughts on it were substantially naive, because I would choose neither. If one does not love and want to be loved, it’s rather self-centered and if one wants to love and does not want to be loved, that to me would be a portrayal of self-sacrificial martyr. It cannot be either one. To love is to be loved and to be loved is to love; sometimes we need to incorporate one into the other. If it’s either, the person t...