Square Enix has done yet another CGI master piece with the Final Fantasy franchise. The Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV movie is the 15 th installment to the Final fantasy main series and i t is the third movie made by Square Enix. It revolves around the events that take place in Lucis, the main capital of magic that has been protected by the sacred crystal with its former ruler, King Regis. The crystal granted those who were of royal blood powers beyond human comprehension and like any other final fantasy, those powers are the abilities to cast magic, teleport and etc. King Regis formed a squad of “bodyguards” known as the Kingsglaive where every member are potentially able to sustain the use of magic, but their true source of being able to do so comes from the king himself, meaning that if the king passes on, their powers would be lost. King Regis was growing old and could only sustain the wall protecting Lucis from any invasion for just a sh...